Suger coated shit

People are trying to be to happy all the dam time. Everywhere you look, people are only showing you the best things that are happening to them. Everyone looks like they are breezing through life and having a blast. We see this, think our life sucks and then get depressed at how shit and miserable our lives are. The problem with the internet is that we (mostly) don’t see the bad stuff. We don’t see the break ups, the fighting, the hurt, the fear, the longing, the sadness we only see sunshine and rainbows.

In the face of so much nice stuff why would we put up the bad stuff? People would judge. We humans, for the most part, hate people judging us. We want to be better than everyone else. The thing is, everyone has shit days, and its really easy to forget about that. If we didn’t have shit days we wouldn’t have good days. Can’t have one without the other. If every day was great we wouldn’t know what a good day was. Thats life. We should be promoting the warts and all view. Terrible things happen each day. Boring stuff happens each day. The media glorifies the good life(Or the horrible other end of the scale and increases our fear of the world). We see all the great things everyone else is up to and feel that we should be happier. This constant measuring ourselves against others is not healthy.

We need to be more supportive, tell others our problems, encourage others to tell us their worries, fears and shit things. We need to stop moaning that our lives suck. We need to try and judge others less. We need to try new things, get out there, change our situations if we don’t like them. If you try living your dreams and you find out that they’re not all that cracked up to be at least you’ll know that what you had before makes you happy. If you never try you’ll never know and you’ll always be questioning.

Life is there to be lived. Not to be experienced through Facebook and the internet. All those people who look like they have amazing lives also struggle. They all have shit days too (they just don’t tell you). Just try and be happy with what you have and enjoy it while its there as we’re all going to be dead at some stage and nothing lasts for ever. Don’t worry about the small stuff. Enjoy the simple things.

